Waste Management for the Retail Industry
Efficient Waste Management for Shopping Malls,
Supermarkets and Retail Outlets.
Tailor-made Waste Compacting Solutions
Mil-tek specializes in offering waste handling and recycling solutions designed to minimize waste for retailers of all sizes for more efficient disposal. From small retail stores and supermarkets to large-scale warehouses and factories.

Minimize waste in retail outlets, shopping malls and supermarkets
Retail premises handle a continuous and varied mix of waste every day including cardboard and plastic packaging. Mil-tek helps the shopping malls, supermarkets and retail outlets to minimze the waste volumes at source to create a lean & clean environment for shoppers and sellers alike.
With Mil-tek balers, businesses within retail can efficiently and safely minimize waste and save time and space.

Improve workflow in the retail industry
Mil-tek retail waste management systems enhance workflow by recognizing handling difficulties, implementing better waste disposal solutions, and eliminating waste in anything from the tiniest retail stores and supermarkets to the largest warehouses and distribution centers.
The Mil-tek equipment compacts the waste with 90% volume reduction and reduce manpower, time and effort for handling of packaging waste. By minimizing waste at source, Retailers can improve the workflow both in store and in unpacking areas by identifying movement, space allocation and logistics issues associated with handling waste.

Mil-tek Customer References
Have a question?
Let us assist you in finding the right waste solutions for your business within the retail industry.
By managing waste more effectively, your company can save time, space, and money.