Refurbished Waste Balers & Compactors
Mil-tek offers an extensive selection of used balers and compactors that have been meticulously refurbished by certified Mil-tek professionals.
Renting and selling used balers
Mil-tek has the ability to be strict on certain matters. This is our earned privilege. We have never been held liable in over three decades of business. Beginning with the planning phase and continuing throughout production, a steadfast commitment to safety and quality produces durable machinery.
As a result, we refurbish our used machines and resell or rent them – frequently in “like-new” condition and always with a one-year warranty as standard.

Renewed & Restored
To ensure that our refurbished Mil-tek machines attain the highest level of quality and performance, we apply the same stringent standards as we do to our brand-new machines.
Tested: Each refurbished machine undergoes a rigorous testing procedure. If replacement components are necessary, only new components are used.
Certified: If the machine passes all of these tests, a Mil-tek engineer will certify that it is operationally ready.
Warrantied: Reconditioned balers and compactors are covered by a standard one-year warranty.
Guaranteed: Only machines certified by an official Mil-tek engineer are eligible for our approval seal guarantee.

Refurbished Mil-tek Balers & Compactors go through a rigorous testing process and always come with a 1-year warranty as standard
Refurbished cardboard baler
Whether you need to bale cardboard or compact general waste, we have a used baler or compactor that meets or exceeds the standards of a brand-new machine for every need.

Mil-tek Seal of Approval
With machines with a pressing power of thousands of kilograms, safety is tantamount. On top of having ANSI, ISO14001, and CE Certification, our own internal safety certification process is so intense that it ensures that Mil-tek machines can be used by regular, non-qualified staff.
Mil-tek’s certification is of course also a vital part of a refurbishment process.

Want more information?
If you are interested in enhancing your waste management with a refurbished baler or compactor, please contact one of our specialists to schedule a no-obligation site evaluation.
Please specify your needs so that the appropriate person can contact you.